Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Relief Society Announcements 2/27

The Relief Society announcements this week include:

1. Andrea Cardon needs a madela breast pump. If anyone has one they can sell / give / lend her, please contact Beth Carlson

2. The Humanitarian Committee did a great job last week, completing 2 quilts. They are quilt tying this week again. Please join them on Tuesday evening from 6:30 – 8:00pm, even if you can only stay for 30 minutes! Also – don’t forget the Hygiene kits!

3. ZUMBA is cancelled on Saturday – due to conference.

4. The next relief society activity will be on April 14th. It is on Vegetable gardens. It will also cover container gardening, so even if you live in an apartment you can grow vegetables.

5. Sisters Temple Session on may 11th at 6:45pm. First there will be a chapel meeting where one of the matrons will speak to the sisters for about 45 minutes, followed by an endowment session at 7:30.

6. General Conference is on April 2nd and 3rd. Sessions will be at 9am and 1pm. It will be broadcast at the Overlook Chapel if you are not able to receive it on your TV.