Friday, April 30, 2010

Primary Talent Show - April 31th

Talent Performance Guidelines

- ONE performance per child.
- 1 1/2 minutes is the maximum time per performer.
- 2 minutes maximum time for group performances.
- Let Primary leaders know what you need ASAP (e.g., microphone, music, piano, etc.).
- Get your music to us no later than this WEDNESDAY (April 28th). We can not guarantee that we will be able to play your song if we do not get the music in advance. Please drop off a CD, or email Robynn Van Otten the mp3 (
- If your child would like to rehearse on stage someone will be at the building setting up from 2pm-5pm on Saturday.


Talent Table Display Option

- Some talents can not be performed on stage! We will have a display table ready to showcase these talents.
- Sports pictures.
- Art work or ceramics.
- PICTURE of decorated cake or other hard to display items.
- Many other great talents...ask you parents or teachers for more ideas - WE KNOW YOUR TALENTED!
- Let us know you are going to display something so we can have a name card ready and reserve your spot.
- Arrive 15 minutes early to set up display.

(Primary Talent Show)