Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thought for the Day

“Always remember him” means that we do not live our lives in fear. We know that challenges, disappointments, and sorrows will come to each of us in different ways, but we also know that in the end, because of our divine Advocate, all things can be made to work together for our good (see D&C 90-24 and 98:3). It is the faith expressed so simply by President Gordon B. Hinckley when he would say, “Things will work out.” Because we always remember the Savior, we can “cheerfully do all things that lie in our power,” confident that His power and love for us will see us through.. Now I bless you that you will be able to always remember our incomparable and divine Redeemer – that you will feel the need and be able to discern and follow His will in all aspects of your life, so that increasingly you will be one with Him as He is one with the Father; that you will always retain an awareness of your accountability to the Lord to sustain you in your fight against temptation or where needed, in your repentance of any sin or misdeed; and finally, that you will always have with you the quiet assurance of His love and grace that will enable you to withstand the assaults of the adversary and his supporters and to feel the comfort and reality of your Lord’s protecting care. I bless you that the promise to those who always remember Him – “that they may always have his spirit to be with them” (D&C 20:77) – will be fully realized in your life. I bear witness of the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I bear witness of the reality of the living, resurrected Lord. I bear witness of the infinite and personal love of the Father and the Son for each of you and pray that you will live in constant remembrance of that love in all its expressions.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson