Thursday, January 19, 2012

3rd week announcement

1. Please note that the temple will be closed from Jan. 16 until Jan. 30.

2. The upcoming RS Activity “Bond with the Book of Mormon” is on January 25th at 7pm. There will be several classes to chose from on ways to approach your reading. We will also have Books of Mormon,
paper, and glue available so you can write your testimony and prepare a book to give to a friend.

3. The 5th Sunday of January, the 29th, we will be having a Linger Longer after church to help us get to know the new members of our Ward, and to celebrate milestones in the lives of Ward Members. We'd like to request that everyone bring a generous plate of appetizers to share.

4. The Stake RS activity is February 11th from 10-1:30 at the Moraga Chapel. There will be wonderful, inspirational speakers and an assortment of exciting workshops to choose from. A light luncheon will be served. All women are encouraged to attend and bring your friends.

5. We have scheduled a date to do canning at the Family Home Storage center in Concord on Saturday, Feb. 18 at 9 am. We do dry pack canning (flour, sugar, oatmeal etc.) that you can use for your year's supply
of food. We will be passing out order forms soon for you to fill out and return, so we can notify the FHS center ahead of time as to what to provide.

6. Annie Tobler is going to start teaching piano lessons out of her home starting at the end of this month, and wanted to see if anyone in the ward, or their children, would like to take lessons. If anyone is interested, they can contact her at her email address ( or her phone number (435-640-4860).

7. A part-time bookkeeping job is available. If interested contact Sue Bowen