Friday, February 3, 2012

1st week announcement

1. Many thanks to all those who made our "Bonding with the Book or Mormon" night possible. The inspired presenters did an outstanding job and gave us all great ideas for new ways to approach our precious book. Thank you to our wonderful activities committee that works so hard to provide us with enriching experiences together.

2. The Stake RS activity is February 11th from 10-1:30 at the Moraga Chapel. There will be wonderful, inspirational speakers and an assortment of exciting workshops to choose from. A light luncheon will be served. All women are encouraged to attend and bring your friends.

3. Feb 18th we have an appointment at the cannery at 9am. Look for order forms and turn in ASAP. Please plan on attending if you are purchasing or sending a representative that will do the canning for you.

4. You may have noticed that sweet Millie Gubler has not been among us for several weeks. She fell and cracked her spine and has been recovering at home. Her son (who lives with her) and daughters have been taking great care of her, and Millie doesn't feel like she needs help, but she is getting bored and lonely. She would love visits! If you take goodies, remember that Millie is diabetic, so no sugar.

Have a great week