Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2nd week Announcement

1. The anxiously awaited Stake RS conference is THIS Saturday,
February 11th from 10-1:30 at the Moraga Chapel. There will be an inspirational keynote speaker and an assortment of exciting workshops to choose from. A light luncheon will be served. You are all encouraged to attend and bring your friends. If you would like to carpool meet at 9:30 am at the front steps of our building.

2. On Saturday, Feb 18th we have an appointment to use the church cannery at 9 am. (FYI the cannery is next to the Concord Costco parking lot) This is a great opportunity to build up your food storage by canning flour, sugar, rice, beans etc. for yourself at an affordable price. Order forms need to be turned in this coming Sunday.

Please talk to Kristine Olson if you have any questions.

3 Oakland Stake Conference will be on Feb. 25 and 26.

4. There are extra study guides left from the "Bond with the Book of Mormon" evening, so pick one up at RS if you didn't get one. These guides have a lot of useful information in them about varied ways to study the scriptures.

5. A reminder about the ladies groups:

Book club – contact Jessica Peers for info.
Picnic lunch / kids play at Larkey Park on Tuesday at 11:30
Music time for kids at Tiffany Court 10:30 Fridays – followed by
Walden Park for picnic lunch / kids play.